Thursday, July 1, 2010

Singapore breakdown in rain

Seriously, I think problems are surfacing in Singapore. The recent flood in Orchard Road smells of something wrong. They do good actually since after some work, the flood does not occur again. However, it does show that if they have done something before that wicked rain, the flood may not have happened. Now, other areas are flooded, or perhaps they have always flooded but have not been reported in news until just now?

I would think that a period of complacency has set in and has taken too deep a root in the public services in Singapore. My interaction with the ministries in my work seems to obviously point out to lack of coordination. Although it is an "expected behaviour" of public servants (I face nearly the same thing when dealing with US's government agencies), I would have thought that Singapore's system would do more justice. But then again, the government may have lost control. After a period of "nothingness" as in nothing bad happen, people stops thinking about improvement and they become reactive. That is what I think the main issue.

It would appear simple that risk assessment can be carried out on the drainage system for example, to examine the weak point. Then there should be more coordination from building authorities (BCA), public utilities (PUB) and natinal environmental agency (NEA) on issues such as sewerage. I would suggest maintaining active surveillance and issue long. That would really help point people towards common issues and making sure appropriate communication programme in place.

I really hope the situation improve. Other issues such as inflation has lowered the attractiveness of Singapore and creates mumbling among the residences. Hopefully, it will improve, for the sake of the next generation.

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